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Solving the Crime of Lots of Leads and No Customers

If this article has caught your attention you may be the victim of the crime of lack of customer acquisition knowledge. You’ve either got no leads, you haven’t got the kind of leads that suit your business, or you’re getting leads and they’re not converting. We are experts in lead marketing and in analysing your crime scene. Our experience leads us to make the following proposals.

Fast response is essential.

The speed of the first attempt to call a newly generated lead correlates with a significant increase in the number of qualified leads. By responding in 30 minutes rather than 10 minutes the percent of leads qualified dropped 4.3% and close rates fell nearly 2%. Therefore it’s essential that you contact leads as quickly as possible, and get there before the competition. Even if this is by carefully crafted auto-responder if you are unable to make contact immediately face to face, on the phone or by personal email. There are many autoresponders that can be set up on email and social media.

Trace and Interview. The initial conversation.

Our qualification team speak to every lead that is qualified and make notes about each buyer’s requirements. This not only helps to warm up the lead, but the qualification notes allow you to ensure that the sell is tailored to their individual requirements.

Excellence is a habit.

The first email you send to a lead is similar to the first face-to-face meeting. It is your opportunity to prove to a potential company that you are professional, credible and well placed to meet their needs. Face-to-face you have about 30 seconds before a judgement is made. With email you first need to get your message opened, by using an effective subject line. Once you’re over that hurdle you have another 10 seconds in which to prove why your company is the best one to work with. Ensuring that the first, and all subsequent emails are well crafted will go a long way to helping you close more business.

Intelligence based investigation is key.

Competitive intelligence may be more important to small companies than to large ones, because small businesses feel the impact of competition more immediately and more deeply. All small-business owners do Competitive Intelligence (CI) in some way or another. Not all of them do it well, though, and research increasingly demonstrates that the lapse is holding these companies back. At successful companies competitive intelligence is part of the day-to-day operation — part of the fabric of the enterprise.

Identifying Suspects.

Identify which type of lead you are dealing with. We have an approach to lead categorisation that helps to prioritise the time and effort of the sales team, according to the type of lead. These types include hot, warm, beauty parade, infinite loop and black hole.

Jessica Kemp / Lead Marketing Consultant

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Contact us if you are looking for an experienced lead generation consultant. My strengths are in helping, guiding, educating, training and mentoring on the latest best practices to help individuals, business’ and organizations compete in their market place.

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